Monday, November 25, 2013

Wall Growth Charts for Children

Growth before birth is very rapid. Although rates vary throughout pregnancy, at some points the baby grows about one inch per week. If this rate were to continue, children would grow 4 feet each year!

Wall Growth Chart | QuickMedical QM338Growth is also rapid during the first year of life. By their first birthday, most babies have grown 7 to 10 inches in length and tripled their birth weight. Growth begins to slow between ages 1 and 2 (4 to 5½ inches a year). After age 2, growth remains steady until adolescence, when teens experience a puberty-related growth spurt. Growth continues until the child is 16 to 18 years old, when the bone ends fuse.
The adolescent growth spurt lasts about two years and is accompanied by the development of sex organs and the growth of pubic hair, as well as the beginning of menstruation in girls. This growth spurt begins at different times for different children — between ages 8 to 15 in girls and ages 9 to 15 in boys.  During this growth spurt, girls grow at a rate of 2½ to 4½ inches per year and boys grow about 3 to 5 inches per year. On average, boys begin puberty about two years later than girls, but their growth spurt lasts longer.

QuickMedical is your online source for wall growth charts for children.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Choosing the Correct Type of Medical Scale for Your Facility

Medical scales are an essential piece of equipment to every health and medical facility.  Although they are often met with resistance, doctors are generally required to measure a patients weight whether it is to determine dosages or to track weight gain/loss. There are various types of medical scales,  however, and it is important to choose the right one(s).

QuickMedical carries a diverse selection of medical scales ranging from traditional bathroom and doctor's scales to digital bariatric and wheelchair scales. Knowing the benefits and differences will ensure convenience and efficiency for all parties involved.

What type of professional medical scale should you choose for your facility?

Balance Beam Scale
Known as the traditional "doctor's scale", the beam scale is made to withstand everyday use. They are available in standard and high capacity models with some including the option for measuring height.

Baby Scale
Tracking the growth of babies is important for health and well-being. Ideal for both professional and home users, baby scales are not only made for infants, but also toddlers and small children.

Wheelchair Scale
While the name suggests they only cater to a specific user, many wheelchair scales function as excellent multi-purpose scales and accommodate nearly all patients. They feature a larger platform and sit low to the ground making it easily accessible. Wheelchair scales are ideal for clinics and hospitals and especially nursing homes.

Bariatric Scale
Many bariatric, or high capacity scales, incorporate similar features of wheelchair scales and can often accommodate both types of users. Other forms of bariatric scales, though, are made up of handrails to assist the patient when standing. High capacity scales are an excellent choice for medical professionals as they can measure weight for all patients.

You will find a number of other types of "specialty" scales that often combine elements of those listed above. When choosing a medical scale, be sure to do your research and find what will accommodate your patients and staff. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Stadiometer Q/A

Q.          I work in an endocrinology clinic and I've been instructed to find a stadiometer.
QuickMedical looks like it has the largest selection of stadiometers online, but because you have so many, I don't know which one to pick.
I need a reliable stadiometer that can hang on the wall. The head piece has to be rigid, and it has to be digital and easy to calibrate.
The display should be easy to read for shorter nurses. (I'm only 5 foot!) We position the head in Frankfurt plane so the digital display has to be above the head, not mounted on the wall. We would prefer lithium batteries if possible.
We are measuring very short and very tall people so we need a model that can measure everyone from children to adults. We also need a kick plate for positioning the patient properly against the back of the stadiometer.
Can you please recommend a model that will meet all these needs?
Kind regards,
Nurse Mary

A.          Thanks for writing, Nurse Mary. Yes, we have a model that will meet all these needs, and more. It's the Gold Standard in measuring devices--the 235A Heightronic Digital Stadiometer. Why is the 235A the gold standard?